We're very excited about the casts for HENRY V,
Dorian Gray & Cellar Door!
So we would like to introduce you to them one by one!
We have already met...

Fluellen/Archbishop of Canturbury
Click here to read his Interview
& Samantha in Cellar Door
Click here to read her Interview
French King/Nym
& Lord Henry Wotton in Dorian Gray
Click here to read his Interview
Click here to read his Interview
Click here to read her Interview
Basil Hallward in Dorian Gray
Click here to read his Interview
Click here to read her Interview
Click here to read his Interview
Today we are proud to Introduce to You...
Mistress Quickly/Alice/Governor/Alexander Court
Place of birth?
In a volkswagen in Walnut Creek California, and NO I won't tell you the year!
Lives now in?
Stuck in the 1950's in Allied Gardens and Loving it!
First Big Break?
The B movie, Frankenstein's Island, as Lila, the bikini clad witch girl (it's on Youtube.)
Career highlights to date?
Winnie in Happy Days with my husband, Francis Thumm, as Willie, Celeste in The Mutilated, and Ma Joad in The Grapes of Wrath. Oh, and seducing Richard Baird in School for Lives, that was delicious and ridiculous!
Favorite directors?
Scott Feldsher from Sledgehammer and Bart Sher. Both of them challenged me like no others.
Favorite playwrights?
Tennessee Williams, Paula Vogel, Caryl Churchill, Eugene O'Neil, Lillian Hellman, Samuel Beckett, David Hare, Edward Albee, Eugene Ionesco, Jean Genet, Arthur Miller, Lorraine Hansberry, Sam Shepard, Erik Ehn, Tony Kushner, and WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE!
What roles would you most Like to play still?
Mother Courage, Medea, and Richard the III.
What is the best thing you've seen on stage recently?
Notes from the Underground at the La Jolla Playhouse.
If you could swap places with one person living or dead, for a day, who would it be?
Queen Elizabeth the I.
If you hadn't become an actor, what would you have done professionally?
Tell us a little about you as Mistress Quickly in Henry V?
Her passion and devotion to Falstaff and her zest for life are beautiful. I also love her earthiness, sexuality and strength. And Judi Dench played her, and you haven't asked which actor I'd like most to meet: Dame Judi!
What's your favorite line from Henry V?
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility,
But when the blast of war blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise fair nature with hard favored rage,
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect:
Let it pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon, let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled rock
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Is this your first production of Henry V?
What are your plans for the future?
To exit my husband's music studio, where I'm typing this, because I'm not kidding you Richard, as I wrote my favorite line from Henry V, a huge and disgusting Lizard slithered under the door and I screamed like bloody HELL!!! …maybe we can use it in our production. The scream, not the lizard.