New Fortune Theatre is proudly committed to presenting Great Plays, Rarely Done.
There are so many great plays which haven't been produced in our home town of San Diego, or anywhere, in FAR too long.
Plays that are relevant, revealing, brilliant, breathtaking, dangerous, hilarious...
We believe that YOU should have the opportunity to experience these plays.
As audience. And artist.
We actively promote and support other theatres;
All good works deserve to be advocated, experienced, celebrated.
We program for intelligent audiences.
For the highest quality of art.
And for a higher quality of life for artists.
We welcome all the classy, the original, the daring, to be a part of New Fortune.
The more we come together, the more great work will happen.
"It's a collaborative artform." -R.B.
New Fortune soars from the ashes of Poor Players, an award-winning, critically-acclaimed San Diego non-profit. Likewise helmed by New Fortune's A.D., Richard Baird, it was beloved for producing what the poor players call, "garage band Shakespeare."
Re-established in 2014, New Fortune is a professional theatre, whose mission encompasses work from all times, which are relevant, revealing, rarely done.
The company was founded by Richard Baird and Amanda Schaar.
New Fortune's inaugural production of Henry V opened upon St. Crispin’s Day, October 25, 2014, exactly 599 years to the day of the famous battle of Agincourt. Henry V rode with his "band of brothers" to improbable glory that day. And New Fortune too, went on to garner much acclaim for the production, including Craig Noel awards for Outstanding Direction and Outstanding Lead Actor.
The Fortune Theatre stood, a contemporary of Shakespeare's Globe, called "the fairest play-house in this town." It burnt down in 1621,
and for the sake of the fire, it's acting company was dubbed "those poor companions" (remember Poor Players). Rebuilt in 1623, the Fortune went on to house the Kings Revels, who continued to perform for crowds even after Parliament ordered all stage plays suppressed.
We take the name New Fortune in honor of all the historical Fortune represents, looking forward to the work that's yet to do.
The lady you see pays homage to the statue which once graced the original Fortune Theatre, as well as to Shakespeare's 'Dark Lady,' 'Muse of Fire,' and of course, 'Lady Fortune.'